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What we do is a lot like all other mining pools, you are buying Staking power. Once you have made your payment we then trade whatever coin you used to invest with us and we buy coins we can stake on. As with most Mining pools or Cloud Mining services your deposit represents a contract with StakeMiners.com which allows you to own a percentage of mining power in our pool. Everyday we collect Stakes, which is also known as mining or Minting new coins. Those coins hold a value in BTC which is then equally distributed to each member of the pool in correlation to the percentage of the pool you own. The more coins we stake as a group the more you earn on a weekly basis. Each week we calculate what every member earned on their account, and a payment in BTC is then distributed to each participant.


Stakeminers is an altcoin Proof of Stake mining pool. We use Bitcoin (BTC) and other various altcoins which you deposit to purchase altcoins which then are held in their individual electronic wallets. Each altcoin wallet will contain a various number of the specific altcoins we are staking. The number of altcoins we hold in each wallet depends on the price of the altcoin and the percentage of that altcoin supply Stakeminers can hold and mine with.

OUR PROCESS The process of staking an altcoin is opening the electronic wallet, in essence taking it out of cold storage, so that it can connect to other altcoin wallets of that coin located on the internet. This results in a peer to peer network of connected wallets. Transactions are then verified and confirmed which enables us to collect a reward for this process. These rewards are then distributed to the participating members of our Staking Pool.
Like regular mining, stake mining has blocks that give rewards, the more blocks you find the more rewards you recieve (the reward being more of that altcoin). The more coins you hold the better tha chance becomes of hitting a stake and collecting a reward. The difference is that Stakeminers holds a large volume of several altcoins. This means we stake more frequently and we stake with a larger number of altcoins in each wallet. The result is the combined effort of all the participants allows the Stakeminers wallet receive recurring daily stakes with the very good reward percentage.

MATURITY PERIOD Each altcoin has a maturity period, this is the amount of time between the creation of new altcoins. The new altcoins created are the output of the developers mining operation. By holding altcoins of varying maturity periods we can generate a relatively consistent earnings stream each week.The maturity period and other altcoin creation criteria are set by the altcoins developer. Stakeminers has no input to nor impact on this process.

YOUR DEPOSIT Your deposit is important. The more funds Stakeminers has on hand the more of each altcoin we can purchase, which increases our staking power (our percentage of that altcoins held) which results in increased earnings.

HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT ME By combining coins into one wallet, we enable our stake pool to stake more frequently.that sometimes are bigger than hardware mining and certainly larger than any other Cloud Mining service out there.

REINVESTMENT Stakeminers does offer reinvestment of your earnings. If you choose this option then you can increase your holdings and revenue without adding more funds to your account.

MAINTENANCE FEES Stakeminers does not charge maintenance fees. One hundred percent of your deposit goes into your account and is part of the staking pool.
To pay our operating costs, Stakeminers.com has an account, like your personal account. This company account (Stakeminers Operations) receives earnings in proportion to its percentage of the staking pool.

SOCIAL MEDIA You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. In addition we have accounts on several forums, however we have withdrawn from active participation on most forums due to the deterioration in the quality of the conversation related to our firm.

QUESTIONS? If you have any questions please email us at: info (at) stakeminers.com. Please include your name and contact information. We will not reply to anonymous emails.